Logistics Support
What we do:
WCTS is an industry leader in developing logistics programs and procedures to prepare personnel and equipment for movement on commercial and military aircraft, ships, and vehicles. We provide the ability to develop specific logistics programs that support preparing personnel and equipment for movement via numerous means of conveyance to locations both inside and outside the United States. We assist in planning and executing air land and sea logistics with a primary focus on mobility and ordnance requirements. We create Organizational Equipment List/ Unit Deployment List OEL/UDL using the unit movement system.
We conduct observations of logistics operations to assess capabilities and compliance. Our reports, written with respect to current regulations/policies, provide details of processes that should be sustained (Best Practices) and areas that can be improved. We meet you on site to assist with executing load plans. We also conduct site surveys to assess the capabilities of existing and future expeditionary locations or operating sites.
How We Do It:
Mobility Support
Our Mobility support encompasses four primary areas of need: Movement Control Procedures, Time-Phased Force Deployment Data (TPFDD), Table of Allowance (TOA) embarkation and Mobility library. We establish aircraft and ship load plans using the unit movement system. We have the ability to create RFID tags and upload data to an RF-ITV server. We submit and track TPFDD. We assist in planning, development, management, and accountability of TOA embarked via surface or strategic airlift.
Ordnance Support
Our Ordnance support encompasses three primary areas of need: Ordnance Operations, Ordnance Plans, and Ordnance Requirements. In support of capability development, we assist in the development and implementation of doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership/education, personnel, facilities, and policy (DOTmLPF-P) requirements for emerging capabilities, including developing the concept of operations for Expeditionary Reload Teams and Expeditionary Reload Companies.

Who we have supported:
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- National Guard Bureau
- Veterans Health Administration
- Navy Operational Test and Evaluation Force
- Navy Expeditionary Logistics Support Group
- Expertise in expeditionary unit mobility and ordnance planning and execution.
- Site surveys
- Transportation of Hazardous Materials planning
- ICODES and JOPES expertise
- Load plans & cargo handling
- Ordnance related operational plans, policy, and operations
- Instruction and curriculum development
- Embark Movement Systems
- Aircraft Load Planners course
- Cargo preparation
- Unit Movement Control
- Joint Inspector
- Transportation of HazMat
- Sea Service Deployment Module (SSDM)